RMS Issue N° 02 - 2024

    RMS 2/2024

      • GENEVA - NITON 23
    • Swiss Military Review
    • 11 March 2024
    • 64 pages
    In this issue 02 - 2024, the RMS provides detailed coverage of Afghanistan, with articles on the geopolitics of the country and "Forty years of a murderous history". The issue also looks at security policy, with the article "Neutrality or NATO, how much cooperation does Switzerland need?", armoured and mechanised vehicles, and NITON 23, the commitment to the second Global Refugee Forum. This issue can be purchased here in digital format or to receive future printed editionas, see our Subscriptions.

    L’accueil des réfugiés afghans en Suisse dans la guerre au Proche-Orient

    Journalist and entrepreneur Nasrat Latif has written this article on the reception of Afghan refugees in Switzerland. In 2023, Afghanistan will still be "the leading country of origin of asylum seekers in Switzerland". Who were the first refugees in the 1980s? Who are the new arrivals? RMS invites you to delve deeper into the subject with this free-form article.

    Presentation of issue 1/2024

    RMS 1/2024

      • SANITARY
    • Swiss Military Review
    • 12 February 2024
    • 64 pages
    This issue 1/2024 devotes a significant proportion of its pages to the war in Ukraine. Historian Philippe Richardot sheds light on the Eastern Front. Other authors look at the changes within the Russian Airborne Troops, the battle of Hostomel and the Ukrainian paratroopers. A large part of this issue also focuses on the Swiss Medical Troops Society. You can find out more here in digital format. To receive future printed issues, you can Subscribe online.

    Political and economic consequences of the war in Ukraine for Russia

    "The war in Ukraine poses a major challenge to international order and Europe's security" writes Professor Olivier Védrine in this article, which, in order to answer certain questions, imagines a future without and with Putin. What are the consequences for Europe, China and the United States? RMS invites you to delve deeper into the subject with this free-form article.
