Le rôle crucial des communes et de la population dans la gestion des situations de crise

    Le lt col EMG Pierre Aubry signe cet article que les dégâts causés par les pluies intensives de juin à Morges illustrent bien – l’importance des acteurs locaux. Comment les communes, les entreprises locales, les associations mais aussi la population peuvent elles agir ? Pour y répondre, la RMS vous offre ce texte en lecture libre.

    RMS Issue N° 03 - 2024

    RMS 3/2024

      • 150E GUISAN
      • VALAIS
    • Swiss Military Review
    • 6 May 2024
    • 64 pages
    "Guisan: 150 years" and "General Henri Guisan, the man who saved Switzerland" are just some of the articles that round off this issue. The issue opens with the USMC (United States Marine Corps) and devotes a large part of its pages to the war in the Middle East. You can buy every issue of the RMS in digital format here, but it is also possible to order a physical copy of the magazine online. Subscribe to receive future printed editions.


    The strategy of shocking imagery in the war in the Middle East

    The impact of images on public opinion should not be underestimated. Doctor Michel Klen has written two articles in this issue 3/2024. One on hostage-taking in the war in the Middle East, the other on images at the centre of information, which "are precious assets in the battle of communication". To find out more about the "infowar", the RMS offers you this article as a free read.

    An explosive duo at the helm of Senegal: national revolution or reorientation in West Africa?

    En raison de l’actualité internationale, la RMS vous propose un article inédit de Jean-Baptiste Bless.
