In September 1991, a guard rising relief Colonel EMG Paul Ducotterd and Colonel EMG Jean-François Chouet. Chouet: alongside Lieutenant-Colonel Hervé de Weck, Lieutenant Sylvain Curtenaz Sylvain Curtenaz, second-in-command editor, who soon convinced a number of young young officers to take up the pen. His professional obligations forced him to hand in his apron in December 2003. Having become a lieutenant-colonel EMG in the meantime, he could no longer editorial activities and his duties as a career officer committed to career officer committed to Switzerland and the Partnership for Peace. for Peace. For six months he commanded the Swisscoy in Kosovo.
Militia Captain Alexandre Vautravers, a tank officer with a doctorate in history and a specialist in armaments, is taking over as deputy editor. Major EMG Ludovic Monnerat, also from the militia, a defence and security expert with a strong media presence, has agreed to strengthen the editorial team. His website, Checkpoint - Swiss military news website dedicated to defence and security issuesHe was predestined to work on the electronic edition of the RMS.
Between 1991 and and 2006, almost 300 Swiss and foreign authors made more or less regular more or less regular contribution to the RMS ; among them, women - too few in number - such as Marie-Pierre Walliser from Marie-Pierre Walliser, the successive heads of the Women's Army Service Service, Colonel Margrit Schilling, Sophie de Lastours, a French historian and Sophie de Lastours, a French historian and specialist in the Russian and Soviet armed forces.
Some 25 French French authors contribute to RMS, dont le général Pierre M. Gallois, le stratège de l’arme nucléaire française, et Philippe Richardot, précieux autant par ses études historiques que par ses textes consacrés à la situation politico-militaire, ainsi que cinq auteurs belges et néerlandais, entre autres Kees Schulten, président de la Commission internationale d’histoire militaire. Un Serbe résidant en Suisse, Ljubomir Matic, qui sait éviter la désinformation et le « Politiquement correct », donne des éclairages intéressants du conflit en ex-Yougoslavie. Dans le numéro de mai 1994, le colonel français Michel Stouff, chef d’état-major de la Force d’action rapide, explique les conditions déplorables dans lesquelles le contingent français de Casques bleus a été engagé en Somalie. En Suisse, la votation populaire sur la Constitution d’un corps suisse de Casques bleus will on 12 June. Like between the wars, the RMS relies on contributions from abroad.
Among the 38 general officers from the "Army 61", the "Army Army 95" and "Army XXI", all the commanders of Field Corps 1 and the divisions of this divisions of this Grand Unit, Major General Peter Regli, Deputy Chief of Staff Intelligence and Security who provides readers with high-level assessments of the assessments. Colonel EMG Jacques F. Baud, an expert on intelligence, secret services, terrorism, anti-terrorism and counter-terrorism. counter-terrorism, publishes major works with Lavauzelle in Paris. However, he has not forgotten the RMS and the officers of French-speaking Switzerland.
The ability reading ability, quick-wittedness and refusal to mince words of Colonel Pierre G. Altermath must be highlighted. For 25 years, this career entrusted RMS with hard-hitting texts, which did not please everyone not to everyone's liking, in the field of war experiences and and preparation for deployment. It's hard not to quote one of his articles, illustrated by Eliane Chytil, a Jura native and cartoonist, "A la façon de La Bruyère... : nos amis les chefs".1, in which he gives a comic but not unfounded typology of officers officers commanding troops. There is the the gastronome, the upstart, the independent, the unlucky, the backward-looking. his articles, published in French, did not provoke any reaction in Berne. reactions in Berne. On the other hand, a single contribution in published in theAllgemeine Schweizerische Militärzeitschrift, earned him an avalanche of acid reactions. Does the DDPS still read French at the DDPS? The columns by Colonel EMG Mauro Mauro Cereghetti - a fine writer - are appealing for their original approach and a form that gives impact to his messages. For example "L'Armée en 1992... La grenouille, le nénuphar et le colonel".2.
Some fifteen university professors professors, NCOs and civilians appear in the indexes. civilians appear in the indexes. Pierre Maurer, who works for the OSCE in Albania, Kosovo and Yugoslavia, the Balkans and their dramatic problems, often taking the often at odds with the media. Warrant Officer Warrant Officer Vincent Quartier offers original texts on little-known he has a knack for uncovering.
The whole period is characterised by a constant desire to shed light on, and thus combat misinformation in the context of the Cold War, the untruths context of the Cold War, untruths, 'political correctness "political correctness", the bad faith of certain media or authors such as the famous Jean Ziegler. He invents a storm over Thun during the Second World War, shattering carriages and wagons and spilling arms onto the tracks, which had been arms smuggled to the Axis by the Swiss army. Konstruktionswerkstatt. In the RMS, authors, anxious to be objective, evoke conflicts subjected to the law of silence in the east of the old continent and elsewhere, as well as the threats in Europe, the new dimensions of terrorism terrorism, particularly those that concern Switzerland. From 1992, an expert on the Soviet Union revealed the reality of the the Warsaw Pact's plans for aggression, and the aspects of these plans that could Switzerland, using Soviet and Czech sources, the work of the former German Secretary of State for Defence Defence, Lothar Rühl.
With "Army 95", the defence strategy is changing. security through cooperation", as well as "Partnership "Partnership for Peace", which was the subject of a special issue in April 2000. The RMS makes no secret of the weaknesses of "Army 95" and its internal internal problems. Career officers confided in the editor-in-chief their worries, their discouragement and the numerous resignations of young comrades. They did not want to write an article, even anonymously anonymously, because sophisticated analysis techniques could could identify them. An editorial was published, a summary of their comments, signed by the editor-in-chief, which which earned him a letter of reprimand from the head of the Department, Samuel Schmid. However, the problem was raised in the media a few weeks later! The Head of the Armed Forces also the magazine for its "bad spirit": he found it hard to to accept "constructive criticism".
The RMS highlights unacceptable statements in the work and reports of the Swiss reports of the Swiss Commission of Experts on the Second World War Commission of Experts chaired by Professor Bergier, which came to the conclusion that, whether consciously or not, Switzerland collaborated with the Reich Hitler and prolonged the war. These experts fail to mention defence policy, deterrence and the role of the Army!
La RMS n’a jamais été un organe du Département de la défense. Elle a toujours expliqué et défendu la nécessité d’une défense nationale crédible, tout en adoptant une attitude de critique constructive. Le Département de la défense, le commandement de l’Armée ne sont pas infaillibles comme le Pape à Rome. Elle n’a jamais parlé la langue de bois, bercé ses lecteurs d’illusions, fait dans l’hagiographie ou la démagogie. Cela n’a pas toujours été compris à Berne… En 1990, la RMS tire à 4000 exemplaires, en 2006 à 2600. Contre vents et marrées, il faut la maintenir, car toutes les tentatives de créer des périodiques militaires bilingues ou trilingues ont débouché sur des échecs fracassants.
1 RMSSeptember 1993, pp. 6-12.
2 RMSMarch 1992, pp. 23-26.