

RMS subscriptions are automatically renewed on a daily basis and until their renewal (for the following year). You will now find three types of subscription, depending on your location.

Der Bestellvorgang ist vollständig elektronisch und leitet Sie zur Paypal-Seite weiter, um die Zahlung durchzuführen. Achtung: Die Adresse, an die die Nummern geschickt werden, ist die gleiche wie die Rechnungsadresse. Bei Bestellschwierigkeiten wenden Sie sich bitte direkt an uns.


Subscriptions to the RMS are made annually, and are automatically renewed until they are cancelled (for the following year). You find below three forms of subscription depending on your geographical location.

The subscription procedure is entirely electronic and will redirect you to the Paypal site for payment. Please note: Attention: the address to which the numbers will be mailed will be the same as the billing address. In case of difficulties, please contact us directly.

Jahresabo Schweiz
60 chf
6 Ausgaben
2 thematische Ausgaben
Inklusive Versandkosten
Annual EU Subscription
150 chf
6 issues
2 thematic issues
Shipping included
Annual World Subscription
170 chf
6 issues
2 thematic issues
Shipping included

